
Artist Feature: YAEL by Alarick McGlory

Painter Feature: Yaël Hupert

By: Sky Braun, MFM Editor/Writer, Instagram: @skybfree

We are delighted to announce that a series of Yaël’s work will be featured in the art category of our upcoming issue. Please check out her entire gallery at www.yaelhupert.com, where you can also read more about her:



"Yaël is a young artist from Antwerp, Belgium. Passionate, curious and a traveller, Yaël expresses a unique view about her time, taking inspiration from the world around her. The emotions, colours and flavours in her work convey a lively, fresh and honest tone that immediately sets her apart. Yaël’s paintings mostly acrylic on canvas, have quickly found an audience, transforming a hobby into a true, yet fun artistic journey."