If We Can Walk The Walk, Let's Finally Talk The Talk by Alarick McGlory

Honestly, if I didn’t love fashion so much, I probably would stroll down the street in my birthday suit. Although I don’t think Neil was being literal when he shared this.

 In an industry all about perfectly calculated designs, marketing, even relationships; it does feel a bit outrageous, being so open, in an otherwise extremely private world.

 For instance, while I’ve been in and around the fashion industry for many years now, I only recently became a part of the MFM team. Do you all understand what a milestone it was to find out anything about my team members? The day I learned that Alarick, the owner and Editor-in-Chief of MFM, liked Cap’n Crunch, I almost hung up my heels. I had cracked the code.

 In all seriousness though, most of us in the industry are simply conditioned to seem socially open, while actually remaining completely closed-off. My goal is to crack that code. I want to share, with all of you, what and how I see this world and its people.

It is with great pleasure that I get to not only introduce myself, but most importantly, the abundance of talented international artists who contribute to McGlory Fashion Magazine and MFM Boudoir Diaries.

These photographers, models, stylists, make-up artists, so on and so forth, inspire every single day. You may get to feel this inspiration for a few moments upon reviewing their images, but we are going to dig deeper. Here, you will discover exactly why a specific artist inspires you, what inspires them, and if you’re really lucky, you might even learn their favorite cereal.

So, walk with me… just keep your #ootd on, okay?


Sky Braun, MFM Editor/Writer, (Instagram: @skybfree)